Thursday, May 13, 2010

yard and garden pics: May 13th

The first picture is of a tawny daylily which I am not used to seeing bloom before June 1. In Elizabeth Lawrence's A Southern Garden (1942), she notes the earliest flowering date of a tawny daylily in her garden as May 21. And I am assuming this would have been from her Raleigh garden..a full tinch warmer than my yard in Durham.  To provide a full disclosure, this Hemerocallis fulva has been planted in a very hot site beside the driveway in extremely rich soil. So performance enhancement may be to blame.

Other shots:
*a Siberian iris
*seedlings of good old fashioned cleome....and a few hollyhock seedlings too.

1 comment:

Gene said...

If your garden is like mine you will only plant Cleome once since it vigorously self seeds.

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